Friday, September 29, 2006

Psychiatrist Visit

We like our psychiatrist. She is thorough, professional, and has a calming presence. I took Tony and Dominyk into see her simultaneously yesterday. During the entire time Tony was calmly sitting in the chair next to her, almost falling asleep, Dominyk was playing legos on the floor nearly under the small table, quite hyper.

So, Tony’s got less meds to help him sleep at night (since now that school started he’s falling sleep there too) and Dominyk has a new med to work on keeping him calmer.

As she interviewed Tony, Tony had very little to say, but the conversation was hilarious. The Psychiatrist would say, “so, Anthony, do you like school.”

(from under the table) “ANthony. (big guffaw). His name is TONY.

Turning to Tony, ingoring Dominyk, ”Do you go by Tony?“

Shy nod.

”Tony, do you ever get in trouble at school for talking back to the teacher.“

Slow shaking of the head from the boy in the chair and ”I do!“ from under the table.

”Tony, do you think you may have to go to detention because you don’t listen in school?“

Slow shaking of the head from the boy in the chair and a loud ”They might make me go“ from under the table.

And then, the standard questions she asks at every visit, ”Tony, do you ever feeling like hurting anyone.“

Tony says a quiet no, and the boy under the table literally jumps up and shouts, ”That would be ME!“

So then it was Dominyk’s turn to sit in the chair. it has been a long time when something in that setting has made me burst out laughing, but what happened next caused me to do so.

He had a pen and was writing on his hand. She is asking him a few questions, and he is doing OK, but she’s starting to lose him. Then she asks, ”Dominyk do you ever have trouble paying attention to what the teacher is saying in school?“

He is drawing on his hand and there is a Looooooong Pause as he is drawing contentedly all over his palm. After probably a good minute, while she is sitting patiently, he realizes that a long time ago, somewhere, somebody said something to him and he looks up at her and says, ”Huh?“


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