Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ricardo the Athlete

Unfortunately, a great deal of the my blogging energy gets spent fixating on the kids who aren't doing so well. But Ricardo almost always does what he is supposed to.

He is our first quiet kid and he is very serious. He's a perfectionist and always takes care of his stuff. He has one of those faces that looks like he is almost mad all of the time and then in a second can burst forth into the most incredible eye sparking smile.

I have watched a lot of mediocre athletes perform in various sports over the past near 9 years of parenting older kids. But of all the boys, Ricardo has the most potential. He is an excellent athlete, as is Mike, but in combination with the right body, Ricardo is VERY focused. It is so fun to see him strategizing on the field in order to dive tackle the guy with the ball 3 out of 4 times.

I spent the game obsessing about getting the right photo today... didn't get it. But fortunately for me, the pictures came in and I scanned them.

And Tony's game was a win by forfeit as the other team didn't show up.

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