Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sunday Afternoon

Sunday afternoons, as you can imagine, are times for Bart to rest. By the time he finishes two services and all the meeting and greeting he is pretty wiped out. And at around 4:00 we have to get started doing our weekly cleaning of the house in order to welcome company.

So, for some reason, Sunday afternoons have been parenting marathons for me. The kids clamor for my attention and I try to get them to control themselves enough so that I can talk to them one at a time.

Had a pretty good conversation with Mike about the week he just completed. It was actually fairly positive. I supervised Tony so he could earn money to rent a game. I supervised Salinda in the lawn mowing project so she could earn money for her cell phone payment that is due. (Our philosophy that our kids have to earn money in order to buy things is CERTAINLY more time consuming than just giving it to them). I spent a good hour with Sadie helping her draw up a business plan to start her own fudge making business. We determined how much start-up capitol she would need, estimated her time commitment and how much money she could make and what she would have to do -- marketing, shopping, sales, making the fudge AND cleaning up. She is deciding if she really wants to have business or not. And I gently reminded Rand about the hours of homework he’s NOT doing for school.

All of the sudden Sadie has a math assignment and she KNOWS I hate it when kids put off their homework until Sunday.

It’s almost time for the cleaning frenzy. Oh how I love Sundays!

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