Sunday, September 10, 2006

The Sunday Morning Routine

Our routine has changed as of this morning. We now have two services and Sunday School starting today. In our last church, the two services were very different from one another, and there was some controversy when we started the second service, so as a family we attended both. Here at our new church, the services are identical, so while Bart will be at both, the rest of us will only attend Sunday School and then the late service.

This give us a little more time in the morning and give everyone a chance to sleep in. But, since Murphy’s Law is the only thing we’re familiar with here, it didn’t go as planned. Since the day we moved in I have had to drag unwilling kids out of bed at 8:00 on Sunday mornings in order for us all to be ready to leave by 8:45. Today when we didn’t have to leave until 9:45, I was planning to get them up around 9.

Tony was up at 6:30. Jimmy and Rand were up by 7:00. And Dominyk, who LOVES to sleep in was very much awake at 7:15. The only person I had to wake up was Salinda at 8:45 -- I figured I’d give her a little extra time since Dominyk was already out of the shower.

So I’ve been awake since 6:30. We have a big day ahead. I’m responsible for lunch (can you say FAST FOOD) because Bart has a meeting and then we have the “Meet and Greet today.”

I also get to teach my first day of Adult Sunday School in a class I’m calling, “So, What?” We’re going to ask each other “so what?” as we read through Jesus’ words in the sermon on the mount. I’m looking forward to it.

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