Monday, September 18, 2006

Unnamed Technophobe Shares Quote

A person I know, who cannot figure out how to comment on Blogger, shared this via email when I was blogging about being criticized. I thought it was very insightful. It’s a quote by Wayne Dyer.

“Those who can push our buttons and send us into a rage at the slightest provocation are our real teachers.
The person who is most capable of disturbing your state of peace is a person who is reminding you that you are not truly in the state of peace. At that moment, this person is your greatest teacher. This is the person whom you want to treasure and thank God for sending into your life! When you can transcend the rage, anger, and upset which that person appears to provoke, and instead say, “Thank you for being my teacher,” you have acknowledged a soulmate relationship.
Everyone in your life who can still push your buttons and send you into that frenzied state is a master teacher disguised as a manipulative, inconsiderate, frustrating, non-understanding being. These master teachers remind you that you still have some work to do on yourself.
Give thanks for those great spiritual masters who have arrived in your life in the form of your children, current or former spouses, irritating neighbors, co-workers, obnoxious strangers and the like, for they help you stay in an enlightened, peaceful state. They let you know each day how much more work you truly have to do and in what ways you have not mastered yourself.”

Wayne Dyer
Manifest Your Destiny


  1. Wow what a powerful quote!! I am reminded again this morning how I am not at PEACE!! Your post goes along with our Gratitude devotion!
    Thank you for showing me I need to be THANKFUL for these people.

  2. I'm sure that wasn't it's intent, but that quote sort of made me giggle. I guess I'm just inappropriate that way!
