Monday, September 25, 2006

Where I've Been All Day

At 1 I left to go to the Cities to pick up a videographer from The Drifters Project who is coming here to get some video footage of Bart and I for a post-adoption video. I had a very interesting experience in a gas station bathroom that I’m still debating blogging.

Got home to a while household with everything happening at once, but we were able to have an awesome meal together.

Mike was discharged by 1 p.m. from the hospital and by 4 was already spending time with the same guy who dared him to take the pills last night. Bart says he’s 17 and I need to let it go, but sometimes stupidity just really bothers me.

Now I feel guilty for being at the computer when i should be watching the videographer video my children.

So the bathroom story might have to wait. However, you never did get the cheeto up the nose story, did you?

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