Sunday, October 15, 2006

And Today's Final Post of the Saga that Never Ends

Mike didn’t come home by 4:20, but he did call at 4:20 and ask for a ride. He went to the youth event, making everyone late. Bart said he stood off to the side for the first several minutes, a good 30 feet away from the rest of the group. Then he joined them but several minutes later came up to Bart and said, “Can I get a ride to ______ sometime this week (a town about 3 hours from here).

Bart simply said no. We were discussing tonight whether or not he really is as clueless as he appears. I mean why would a person who just went missing for 15 hours and skipped church and then made everyone late expect special privileges.

Then he came home from the event and I caught him on the phone he took from my office (that the kids aren’t supposed to use). I heard the door shut. Apparently he has disappeared again. But you will remember this:


And we will survive. He doesn’t have school all this week, so we’ll be surprised if we see him. But we have less than 5 months and then we’ll be able to look at things differently.

To her credit, Salinda has done exactly what she is supposed to do, including coming down just now to tell me that she was going to bed early and offer me a hug (something that hasn’t happened in a while). She even told me she loved me.

I hope to get some sleep, even with Mike missing. I just need to ask myself what the worst is that could happen and realize that I can probably live through whatever it is.

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