Sunday, October 29, 2006

Blogging When I'm Feeling Good

Quickly, now, in this moment, because it could all change quickly.

Church was just what we all needed. The first service had more people in it than the average of both services last year. Bart’s sermon was really good. My Sunday School class was enjoyable. We had a nice meal out. Everyone, even Salinda, is speaking to me, and we have had a minimal amount of conflict.

I wish that the psychiatrist could have been with us in church today so that she could see that DECREASING Dominyk’s medications was not a good idea. We ended up getting there 5 minutes before church started because I could not get Dominyk to coopearte this morning and the only pew open was the front one. So, we walked all the way up to the front. Dominyk became obsessed with the goal of getting a paper airplane into the inside of the grand piano. I kept grabbing papers away from him and he kept getting more. I swear there were adults feeding him additional ammunition from behind us. As he was forming his first plane, I leaned over and said to him, “Please don’t do anything to embarrass your Dad.” He looked up at me and as honestly and matter of factly as can be said, “Too Late.”

He then became obsessed with repeating the word Mom. He probably said it 250 times like a mantra, too loudly, but not horribly loudly. After that the obsession became him thinking that Bart referred to a guy named “Pastor Damn” instead of “Pastor Dan” and he kept repeating that over and over again. He was really out of control, but the people around us were pretty good natured, I didn’t have to lose it or take him out, and the grand piano was rescued from all the attempted air force attacks.

When I got back from purchasing stuff for our Halloween gathering this afternoon, there was a very kind and encouraging email in my inbox. It is a gorgeous warm day outside, and life is good. Just as always, when you get to the bottom, there is only one way to go...

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