Friday, October 06, 2006

The Cell Phone

I flushed my cell phone down the toilet. And it wasn’t even my toilet. I just don’t know how else to say it. As I was working on taking video footage at the home of one of “my” families I used the bathroom and the phone was in my blazer pocket, and as I was hoisting up my 3XXL pants I knocked the sucker right into the toilet after I hit the little silver fusher handle.

Fortunately, it was too heavy to completely flush so it just sat there at the bottom of the “basin” in clean toilet water waiting for me to fish it out. Of course, it doesn’t work now, so I have to add that to my list of things to do before my trip to Dallas Monday -- get new cell phone. At least this time I was smart enough to get insurance so they are supposed to replace it for free if I do something dumb.

I flushed my cell phone down the toilet. Sometimes I even shake my head in disgust at my own carelessness.

I flushed my cell phone down the toilet. (head still slowly shaking).


  1. After having a good belly laugh about your plight, I thought I'd extend my sympathies. I once killed an expensive PDA in a similar fashion. It was in my pocket and it took a dive into the commode as I was pulling my pants down. Thankfully, it went in before I'd done my business. Even though I'm squeamish about putting my hand toilets in general, and public ones in particular, I made an immediate grab. Unfortunately, my rescue attempt wasn't fast enough, and the device never worked properly afterwards.

  2. Stand in line girl. Rodel and Tina have both dropped their phones in the toilet too.

  3. I feel an invention coming on. Maybe someone out there can fashion some kind of device to prevent this. Thanks for the laugh Claudia. My daughter got a hold od my cell phone and threw it in the bath tub. I have a lost a pedometer to the toliet though

  4. If you (or anyone) ever drops your phone in water, the toilet, the bathtub, pool, whatever, just open it up, take out the sim card, and let it all dry out. It may take a day or so, but it "should" work!

    I used to work for a "large cell phone company" and that is what helps.
