Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A Different Kind of Halloween

After Salinda and Mike disappeared to hang out with friends (with permission) we decided to take everyone else and see a movie. Bart took the younger kids to Monster House while I saw Taladega Nights with Rand and Jimmy. The movie I saw was pretty much worthless and crude -- geared toward a pathetic teenage boy audience. I should have known what it was like when Kyle said it was really funny. It was more than borderline offensive in many spots, but fortunately I think a lot of the crude humor was above Rand and JImmy’s heads. Don’t go see it if you have any moral fiber though ... you’ll be disappointed.

I was going to attempt to find something worthwhile to blog about from the movie, but there really isn’t anything blogworthy about it, there is no lesson to be learned, nothing to gain from it. It kept my mind occupied for 90 minutes and a few scenes made me chuckle because they were so outlandish, but otherwise, I probably would have been better off making everyone see Monster House and been able to at least hold hands with my husband as he dozed.

We then went out to eat, but by this point Dominyk was so hyper and Tony so whiny that we didn’t have a very nice dining experience at Arby’s. And now it is that time of night where I really want to go to bed, but nobody else does.

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