Thursday, October 05, 2006

My Intended Audience

Blogging is post-adoption support and so is reading blogs in my world. Sure, I don’t mind other visitors and I welcome anyone to read my blog who wants to. I read dooce and I’m certainly not an ex-mormon with a toddler who is borderline mentally ill. OK, maybe the borderline mentally ill part applies. :-) So anyone can read the blog and I think that there are times when I am funny enough to warrant extra traffic just to read how very hilarious my kids can be.

But when I write I am picturing in my mind an audience of either adoptive or pre-adoptive parents who are either wondering what it is really like to adopt kids with special needs or who are in the mess of doing it themselves. I want them to read what I write and realize that they are not alone. I want to share frustrations that I believe we all share together and have them feel strangely comforted, maybe simply because my life is worse than theirs. :-)

As I mentioned a couple nights ago, it is a little alarming to discover that a reader of the blog is someone outside of that category who might be offended. And there have been more than more occasion where I have been tempted to walk away and never blog again. But I keep doing it because the risk of offending the occasional non-supportive passer by is worth the opportunity to encourage and commiserate with those who I started the blog to connect with.

That’s my story. And I’m sticking to it.


  1. GOOD!! I NEED to read this blog everyday! It is good to know I can read someone else's blog knowing they "get it" and this is their calling too. God puts people in your path just when you need it and He has done that with your blog and Kari's! My vote is KEEP blogging!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Please don't stop blogging. I read yours, Kari's and Cindy's blog daily. While I am not an adoptive parent yet, I am a foster parent and find tremendous support and encouragement from what i read. Thank You.

  3. I am an ex-foster parent, now adoptive parent and you know me. I read your blog every day because I learn from you and you help me feel less abnormal! Our teen daughters have very much in common and you don't know how much that means to me that I am not the only "white racist snot"!
