Sunday, October 15, 2006

Note to Teenage Girls Everywhere:

Don’t tell your mom (using your friend’s cell phone) that you’re in your friend’s backyard when she is driving right past you three blocks away.

I actually saw her talking on the phone to me telling me she was somewhere she wasn’t.

As you can imagine, consequences are high, and consequences will sky rocket (possibly double) if her attitude plummets.

Since then, however, Mike was given permission to go skateboarding with Tony, who ended up at a strangers house, lost, as Mike hopped in the car with friends. He’s supposed to be back here by 4:20, but I’m dubious.

i hate parenting him, but it would have to be worse to be him -- never making a decision based on the past or future, entirely impulsive, careening here and there like a pinball game ball, bouncing from one thing to another with no self-regulation.

And all we as parents are right now are flippers, saving him from going down the chute and losing the game, but flipping him back out into the game to be bounced around some more.

Wow, sometimes I think I’m a flippin’ genius. That’s a perfect analogy.

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