Saturday, October 21, 2006

Planning an Unusual Day

I got 8 hours of sleep last night, insignificant, boring fact to you, significant and good thing for me.

I decided as I was lying awake for a few minutes in bed this morning, that I was going to try to spend a day without doing anything work-related. Not clock in a single hour. That is highly unusual for me because matching kids is a huge passion and there is always so much work to do. There is always one more study that can be sent, one more potential match to try and make, one more email to write, one more website to check.

This is my goal. I have a bunch of paperwork on my desk that is family related that I need to deal with and file, a trip to the Salvation Army needs to be made to drop off clothes, I could work on my blogs or do a CD of the FASD retreat... all ideas of things I might do while spending some time with the kids, cleaning up around here a little (though we did have the 2 hour cleaning frenzy last night before company came).

So, that’s my plan. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

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