Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Some Days You Don't Have a Lot to Look Forward To

I have to make it until 5:30. That’s the next thing I have to look forward to. We’re going to christen our fireplace, something we’ve never had before, with Kari and her family. We’ll have supper together and it will be relaxing (I can’t believe I just wrote it. Note to self: Remember that your definition of relaxing probably wouldn’t be relaxing to anyone else). There is no school tomorrow so we won’t be in a rush to be done. Several of our kids are looking forward to it and the ones who aren’t will probably disappear.

But this morning Bart is already gone to work. I will get 5 kids up and out the door and to school. At 8:30 I have to give a social history of John’s life to his probation officer, something that makes me relive the whole sad story again (I’ve only had to do this about 8 times). Then I will come home to face relentless Tony who lately is breaking into either heaving sobs or screaming tears about 8-10 times an hour. Next week we are seeing the psychiatrist -- I think that he needs a medication adjustment. He seems worse than ever.

And in the midst of “homeschooling” him for the day, I will try to work. Yesterday I only managed to get about 3 hours in, which, if you know my routine, is quite atypical.

So now I’m beginning what, with Salinda’s mood in full swing, will prove to be an interesting 45 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to know how you manage to get any work done. FosterEema and I both work at home, and since "Danielle" has been placed with us, we've barely gotten anything done. Our clients are starting to notice, and if we can't get our working lives out of the ditch, I'm not sure what will happen...
