Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Heard that U2 song? Well, it hasn’t been a bloody Sunday, but it’s been a challenging one. Not as challenging as some days, but challenging just the same.

After lunch I tried to get ready for the trip by working on a powerpoint and trying to transfer stuff on the laptop. Still lots of problems with the cord and that is so frustrating. Tracking says it left Sacramento 4 days ago... Just hoping and praying it arrives before I have to leave at about 10:45 tomorrow morning.

This afternoon Salinda (who had about a TOTAL of 4 or 5 hours of sleep this whole weekend was crabby. Tony had an agenda and was RELENTLESS to an extreme degree. Dominyk wasn’t doing all that great either. Bart wanted me to make sure everyone had a winter coat before I left for Texas so that added a layer of stress. I needed a haircut bad. Mike was crabby about something and took it out on me. I was so frazzled by the time 5 p.m. came after running errands everywhere and getting nothing done at my desk, that i couldn’t help Bart much with getting read for tonight.

As always, our Meet and Greet time was GREAT, but towards the end of it things started to fall apart. Dominyk went ballistic, swearing and scaring the small children that were here visiting, so I sent them to bed. Salinda, on the day she was supposed to be dedicating to her family, fell asleep before 6 p.m.

The stress all peaked about 20 minutes ago. Jimmy had commenced a fairly serious meltdown which for him involves very loud wailing and screaming. I was coming downstairs to find that my plan to synchronize my laptop and my desktop had backfired and as of that moment my address book, formerly holding 3670 addresses, was completely wiped out. I began to freak out. My powerbook had somehow shifted again and was out of power, and the transferring wasn’t working. So I am sitting at my desk trying to figure out how in the world I am going to be able to get all of my addresses back and Jimmy is screaming at the top of his lungs in the background. Tony, who has been on my last nerve all day was yelling at JImmy to shut up. Mike was 20 minutes late coming home and I was beginning to wonder if he was going to disappear again. I ran upstairs simply to let Bart know that I couldn’t take it any more. That something had to give. I was picturing myself in a padded room in a straight jacket, eyes darting too and fro, with spit running down my face, wearing depends.

But that was 20 minutes ago. I remembered that I had actually instituted a backup program (I know, way to smart for our family’s history) and when I restored it all 3670 addresses. Mike returned home, late, but at least hear, and Jimmy’s yelling has subsided into sniveling and snorting, which beats screaming any day. My powerbook is now happily charging again and the race down the roller coaster hill is leveling out once again.

So maybe my entrance in to the institution has been put off. I’m going to try to go to bed and get up early enough to get ready for the trip. And much of my work is going to get thrown into a briefcase to be done en route or in Texas hotels.

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