Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Taking the Simple Things for Granted

Too Sexy For My Biceps

Last night everyone was home when we went to bed. Nobody had a meltdown, almost everyone went to bed without a fight. And that is a thing to celebrate.

Last night Dominyk and Tony played together for 19 minutes without yelling, hitting or screaming. And that is a thing to celebrate.

Last night Sadie wanted to be with me when I ran errands and when I watched TV for the first time in 6 months, she still wanted to sit on my lap at the age of almost 12. And that is a thing to celebrate.

Last night, Bart had time to read a book, cover to cover, though not a horribly long one, and wasn’t interrupted too many times to make that impossible. And that is a thing to celebrate.

Last night, our van and later our bedroom were filled with laughter as Dominyk made up a song about how the girls liked Ricardo because of his sexy hair, and sexy chest, and sexy face, and sexy biceps.... and later, I turned it into a feeble rendition of “you’re too sexy for your shirt, to sexy for your biceps” etc, and Ricardo responded in his deep low voice, “shut up, mom.” And that is a thing to celebrate.

Last night Salinda, during the hour she was home, did not express any disgust because I am alive. And that, because it is so unusual, is a thing to celebrate.

Last night Mike did what he was supposed to do and slept in his own bed (to my knowledge) and that is a thing to celebrate.

I could go on, but the point is this: Sometimes the little things are big things and we need to not take them for granted.


  1. I am not really a religious person, but if anyone is doing God's work, the way it should be done, it seems to be you.

    You seem to understand that the struggles and imperfections are what happens in real life and you celebrate that.

  2. Thank you. I don't know who you are, but I needed to hear something positive tonight.
