Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Technical Difficulties

I wrote a post first thing this morning like always, and blogger would not let me post it. I've been trying for hours.

Finally I gave up. Then later I decided to see if maybe on my laptop it would work better, and lo and beyond, I can blog from here.

But I'm not going to reconstruct the post that is on my other computer.

In fact, I'm going to take a nap. I love afternoon naps right before the kids get done with school. For some reason it is one of those special little non-food-item treats I give myself when I've been really good.

I've been trying not to work so many hours as it gets overwhelming. The last few nights we've built a fire and I've either read in there. Today I decided I was only going to do what I absolutely HAD to do... and now it's 1:30 and I've done nothing but work.

So I'm going to rest until the kids come home. And I'm going to like it.

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