Sunday, October 15, 2006

This is Hilarious!

It’s being marketed as a stress reliever, and I can certainly see why. It’s funny that this is marketed as a preschool toy, because I can definitely see how stressed out parents could benefit from the thing. Sometimes what we all really need is a good laugh and there is nothing that can make us laugh more than seeing someone (something?) laugh first.

Only in our culture would we have a toy called “Tickle Me Elmo EXTREME.” But apparently we now do and it’s hilarious. Quoting from the the website, “Tickle him once, and he starts laughing hysterically, slaps his leg twice, falls down into a sitting position, then rocks himself back up. When you tickle him a second time, he repeats all the movements he did before, plus he falls backwards, and starts kicking his feet while laughing even harder.”

You gotta check this out ... even if you can’t rationalize the purchase, just viewing the video on the website should relieve a little stress.

Check it out at elmo tmx.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:14 PM

    The only place to find TMX is now on eBay. They're just as "hot" as they were 10 years ago when they came out.

    Check out some of the prices on eBay or; it's crazy!
