Thursday, October 05, 2006

Today is the Day

I thought up this line a week or two ago but haven’t had a chance to lose it. But today is the day.

“It’s hard to live in a place where the IQ of several of your children combined is a lower number than your waste size.”

Two weeks ago I scheduled Rand and Mike’s senior pictures for this afternoon right after school and we started talking about how they needed to have everything ready and think about what they needed. We have mentioned it several times.

Last night Mike was doing laundry and said, “I want to make sure I have everything clean for my senior pictures.” “great idea!” I responded enthusiastically.

We needed a couple more clothing items for Rand, so I pulled him out of school THIS MORNING to go shopping. I agreed with him at 11:00 THIS MORNING that I would pick up JImmy at school for him so he could come straight home because we were cutting it short with timing.

EVERY OTHER AFTERNOON this school year, they have been home by 2:50. Today it is 3:00 and they are still not here. So I go down to the school to look for them and do not find them. By the time I get back they are pulling up. All three of them, Tony, Rand and Mike, jump out of the door with big wide grins on their faces, and I say, “Why, today of all days, are you late?”

Tony, not realizing why I am frustrated says, “We gave a friend a ride home and he gave us a pop!”

Then I say, well, you have to leave here in about 5 minutes for your senior pictures. To which Mike responds, “We have senior pictures today?”

Me: “We’ve been talking about it for weeks!”

MIke: “I don’t even want senior pictures!”

Me: “You will, and today is the day, so you need to either get ready and have them done today or not at all.”


So I did, and left to go get poor Jimmy who was standing outside of his school bewildered as to why I was 15 minutes late getting him.

But the sad thing is that their three minds combined could not conclude that the day you need to be in a town 11 miles away 40 minutes after school gets out is NOT the day to give a friend a ride EVEN if he does give you a pop.

(Looooong louuuuuuuud cyber screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeam)(

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