Monday, October 30, 2006

Weird Habits and Feeling Used

For the past several months, Dominyk has slept with all of his clothes on, sometimes even his shoes. Tony has joined him tonight. And neither of them wants to sleep on their beds. Dominyk prefers under the bed, and Tony under the desk. I figure these are weird things, but not that big of a deal, so I just let them go.

Tonight, though, they're not getting along well so neither will go to sleep. I have the laptop up in the recliner and am wishing they would settle down. Dominyk is in here obsessing about he just can't take it anymore, he has to have his own room, he doesn't care if it is the closet or the attic, but he must be away from Tony. He will find many creative ways to express the same thing over the next several minutes until either I can't take it any more or he gets obsessed with something else.

I just got up and went out to give Salinda yet another ride. I have probably spent 4 hours of the last week giving rides to her and her friends (is it just coincidence that none of her friends parents seem to have transportation, or is it part of the conspiracy to annoy me?)

I don't mind giving the rides, and I enjoy interracting with her friends. I just wish the words thank you could come out of her mouth once and a while. She used to be one of our most grateful kids, and now she seldom says thank you, regardless of how much I do for her.

Parents get used... that is expected. It's our role. But in our family historically the ones who give the least demand the most and are the least grateful. It's a shame.

Bart is feeling more encouraged -- now it's my turn to feel better. hopefully tomorrow.


  1. Hi Claudia
    I'm just talking.......Andrew almost always sleeps in his clothes. I don't know why. Yet he runs around the house in mid-winter in only his underware. Kids with sensory issues often want to be enclosed to calm themselves. Andrew has to totally cover himself tightly under many blankets. Maybe that's what the boys are doing by going under the bed and desk? Like I said, just talking out loud here.

  2. Dustin sleeps in his clothes as well, but he hates shoes. He also cannot have a pillow on the bed, it annoys him too much. We also cannot have air conditioning in his room becuse he is always too cold at bedtime.

    Wierd thing swe deal with. . . .
