Saturday, October 07, 2006

When Do You Call it Done?

I am working on video presentations of some of the families whose home studies I have written today and I always get stuck wondering how perfect to make them. I can get lost in the added extra touches, the cutting of the sigh, the .5 seconds of black screen, or the jumpiness and then want to redo, retouch, rethink. It’s a never ending project.

It’s kind of like children. It’s my tendency to cover things to much, to want to lecture and make sure I don’t leave anything out, to go over and over instructions. And will they ever be “perfect enough” for me to be done with my parenting? When is the project done?

I don’t have answers to questions about video or about children/adults (those manboys and womangirls that are progressing toward adulthood) but I do know that my commitment in parenting is never done.

This week when our oldest son said that we were going to “lose a son” I sent him an email and explained that while he could say that we were no longer his parents, he could not state that he was no longer our son. The commitment we made nearly 9 years ago when he was 11 was a forever-commitment. He can’t stop being our son, no matter what happens.

And so just like I have to call the project done, at some point we have to let them go, but just as I’m calling my videos “done” at some point I will have to let go of my kids and realize that what I have taught them they have either digested or rejected.

And just as this post is not perfect like I wanted it to be, neither are my videos. But I’m going to call them done and this post as well.

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