Monday, November 20, 2006

Bad Taste in My Mouth and Gnashing of Teeth

Before I started parenting teenagers I really didn’t get these phrases. “That left a bad taste in my mouth” and “gnashing of teeth.” Now I totally get it.

The gnashing of teeth thing happened about 4 years ago when Mike was about 13. He was being so out of control and so mouthy that I got so angry that I literally grated my teeth together so hard that I broke my tooth.

And the Bad Taste in My Mouth thing... it’s crazy but I have a huge need to brush my teeth continually lately -- after long tedious conversations with Salinda or quick annoying conversations with Mike where my adreneline is pumping and I feel like I’m going nuts all the sudden I have this horrible taste in my mouth that I can’t get rid of.

Tonight Salinda and I had a long conversation. Apparently she had a goal in mind and I thought we were making some progress. But at the end when I said no, I really got attitude... the very same attitude that she’s being consequenced for.

Wow, I’m tired.

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