Sunday, November 19, 2006

The Best Laid Plans

We really wanted to do Sadie’s birthday right this year. Both last year and this I had to be out of town on her birthday, and this year she was pretty sad.

So on Friday Bart and I surprised her by “kidnapping her” from school and take her to lunch at TGIFs, her choice. We then explained the ring we give on the 12th birthday for our girls and went to have her finger sized. She was so cute and so appropriate.

We then planned a big family shindig for last night -- her favorite meal (baked potatoes with all the toppings) followed by a Nunsense play at the local community theatre. WE were insisting that everyone go. She loves theatre, music, dance. Then Tuesday night she’ll have a sleepover with 3 friends.

On Friday night she went to another sleepover for another friend who had a birthday this week, and by noon yesterday she had a full blown case of the stomach flu. She slept all afternoon, agreed to wait a while to celebrate her birthday, but said she thought she could go to the play. We got there and got settled and then all the sudden she was puking in the aisle. Now, knowing that she probably would be feeling better after the puke, I was tempted to her stay and try to watch it, but before I could discreetly clean it up, Dominyk, trying to be helpful, rushed to the usher and announced, “My sister just puked all over the floor.”

So, while the rest of the family watched the play, I sat at home with poor little sick Sadie. We had told MIke he was expected to come and he said he really wanted to, but then at the last minute he bailed. We had forced Salinda to come, and she had to sit through it even though Sadie wasn’t there and Sadie didn’t get to see it even though she really wanted to. Again, what’s fair about that?

At halftime Bart, who had already seen that particular show before, brought restless tired Dominyk home and I switched places with him to only catch the last 15 minutes of fhe play.

it seems like every time we try to be normal it backfires tremendously. I just came home sighing heavily.

Salinda is still not speaking to me, apologizing, or changing her attitude. She basically is hiding in her room.

And last night about 11:30 Dominyk started his puking, which is still sort of going on. He really feels lousy.

So Bart took the rest of the family to eat, while Sadie tried toast and I am waiting for them to bring me something back. Dominyk is still trying to keep Sprite down.

Pretty soon, someone else will begin to puke...hopefully someone who is old enough to recognize the signs and get to the toilet before it goes all over the carpet. I’m a little weary of blotting puke out of carpets in the middle of the night.

Happy Birthday Sadie. You can’t say we didn’t try.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your puke fest doesn't last long! When Andrew throws up he runs fast as he is doing it like he is trying to get away from it. Very messy.
