Monday, November 20, 2006

Continuing to Report

And then I:

Fielded a phone call about the Background Check for the PCA
Formed a to-do list
Imd my office here in MN about a case file
Added 10 new social workers to my address book
Fielded another call about the PCA which proved I am a total idiot, but it’s too long of a story to blog
Fielded a call from the phone company letting me know that I won that big fight and they are crediting my web hosting fee
and answered an email from a teacher indicating that Jimmy’s behavior is getting worse by the day at school.

Now I’m heading out to get some lunch and to bring my checkbook in so I can do expense reports from my trip plus find the paperwork to request Salinda’s transfer to a new school.

1 comment:

  1. Phone calls like that are draining, i tend to put htem off too and they have a pile of errand calls to make!
