Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Early Morning Blogging

There are some of my friends who sit down at the computer every morning and come up with something significant to blog about. Some of them are almost artistic in their ability to communicate a concept or a point in their early morning blogs.

Lately mine have been reduced to how I slept, which is pretty pathetic even by my standards.

So, for interest sake maybe we should talk about how someone else slept. Dominyk has claimed the linen closet as his room, or at least his place to sleep. Tony has been sick and Tony has always had teeth-grinding issue when he is sick so he coughs and it is very hard to sleep with him. I have memories of horrible nights in hotels when he was sick and we couldn’t get away from the noise, even when he was a toddler. If he did it every night we would have it looked at, but it is usually only a couple times a year when he has a cold.

But we don’t blame Dominyk for not being able to sleep in his room. And since the older kids don’t go to bed until late, sleeping somewhere else isn’t very practical. So when Bart discovered that he was sleeping in the closet the night the police officer came to the door he didn’t make a big deal out of it. Last night at 8 p.m.. when it was time for his Aderall, he was already asleep.

Apparently his sensory issues cause him to like to sleep with lots of weight on him, so he is in the closet (don’t worry, there is room for him and there is probably more Oxygen in there than in the rest of the house when Salinda and Mike are wandering around, sucking it out of the atmosphere with their nasty attitudes). He sleeps with many blankets piled on top of him and doesn’t care that he sweats a lot.

But we’re going to have to decide if this can be his new sleeping spot when Tony stops the teeth grinding. I guess it would make the “chaotic home characteristics list”, but other than that, does it really matter if he sleeps well in there and likes it?

1 comment:

  1. I think as long as there is air available the kids can sleep where ever they need to. I think it's great that Dominyk found a place that his body needed to get to sleep. He was able to figure it out on his own! Lots of kids can't do that and are agressive raging tornados. Maybe he can have a closet that is just his if the family doesn't like the linen closet idea. We just got new weighted blankets yesterday and it was cool to see the kids "melt" into their beds.
