Monday, November 20, 2006

First Phone Call Report

Got an email this morning saying that John had spent his weekend in detention and that there would be a court hearing today. So my first phone call, which wasn’t on the list, was to his P.O. We had recently found out that John’s foster home is exactly halfway between the two houses were Salinda and Mike have been hanging out (and those houses are only 2 blocks apart) so I will not be surprised at all to find out that they have had contact with him, though I won’t learn it from them.

Anyway, missing his curfew at his foster home and being gone all night is what landed him in detention, but he will be going right back there. We’re not going to go to court as it had nothing to do with us, is only a formality, and since there has still not been therapy set up for him.

But anyway, the phone call to the PO and the phone call to Bart to tell him what she said have taken 45 minutes.

Guess I’m not going to get much done today at this rate.

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