Thursday, November 16, 2006

Frustrated Beyond Measure

Now you may be asking yourself, "What's Claudia got to whine about now? I mean really, she's alone in a hotel room miles away from the stress of her family and yet she's COMPLAINING?"

Well, about 5:30 this morning every member of my family climbed into bed with me and would not let me go back to sleep. All of the issues with each of them poured into my head and I tossed and turned and strategized and planned and argued with myself and made up speeches to give, and basically just drove myself insane. I kept reminding myself that if I didn't go back to sleep, the rest of the day was not going to go well. I have to get myself to the rental car return, then to the airport and check in. Then 5 1/2 hours on planes and in airports before arriving, getting baggage, and spending 1 1/2 hours on the shuttle to travel back to Mankato, where I will find my children in who knows what state because their Dad is gone and in 2 very stressful meetings. He will come home from them needing support. And, if I haven't slept and I'm tired I will NOT deal with it all very well.

So, after all that whirled through my head, I finallly, one hour and forty five minutes later gave up and got up because I couldn't lie there any longer.

Now the internet strength is so pathetic in this hotel room, that I can't even get things to publish without several tries. So the day is certainly not starting well.

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