Friday, November 10, 2006

Here We go Round the Mulberry Bush

so early in the morning.

It’s 6:45 a.m. MIke’s bed is still empty. But OH, wait, he just walked in the door. “Did Salinda tell you that I spent that I was staying the night?” Where, I don’t know, but apparently he “spent the night” somewhere. I figured he’d show up and need something this morning. So he is here with a friend at 6:45 a.m. Wow, it is amazing. Those circuits just don’t connect do they?

And there are 2 school districts in all of the STATE that are 2 hours late this morning because of our snow storm? Guess what one of them is. Yup, it’s us. Except that 3 of the kids don’t go to public school and they have a field trip. so they are starting school on time this morning. The other 5 will be home for an extra two hours.

It turns out that MIke spent the night at Salinda’s friends house. I won’t go on too much, but the same mother whose daughter needed me to loan her money, let my 17 year old spend the night there last night. And, it appears that he walked home this morning. Guess he should have walked home last night. Apparently Salinda knew about it and didn’t tell me. She was planning to stay at this friend’s house while we are on our trips this coming week, but I don’t think that is going to happen. There is no way that i would ever have a kid spending the night here unless their parents knew where they were. According to Mike, Salinda was supposed to tell me he was staying there but she neglected to do so.

So this morning at 6:45 Mike shows up with Salinda’s guy friend, who also spent the night at her girlfriend’s house, even though I offered him a ride last night, he told me his mom was coming to get him but this morning he told me she didn’t show up. So I took him home this morning.

I’m blogging this as I wait for Mike to go to school so that I can let Salinda know how displeased I am with her choice not to “forget to tell me” where Mike was last night. And it surely will not go well.

Then I have 5 kids to keep as calm as I can for two hours (changes in schedule are NOT good news for my kids) and try to still meet all my deadlines that i was wondering if I was going to be able to meet in the first place, before I lost two hours of my life to a late start.

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