Friday, November 03, 2006

Me and My Dumb Ideas

I have a list of battles to fight with, if you don’t mind that I say this, stupid people. People who think they are right when they are not. I don’t know these people personally, but in order of stupidity, the IRS, the phone company (who if they don’t do the right thing for me I am going to tell you name address and phone number of), the apple warrantee office, two or three hospitals and doctor’s offices, etc.

I decided that I was going to do one of these unpleasant tasks every hour and then spend the rest of the hour doing something more pleasurable (finding families for kids) and then go back to the next task.

Since they are claiming at the IRS that JImmy is not our son based on the information they have for the Social Security Office, I figured that the call to the IRS would be the easiest. I mean really, how hard is it to say, “I have the card in front of me. What do I need to do to prove to you that the number I reported is indeed the child in question?” I mean good grief, I’m having to PROOVE that I have 10 kids who have been driving me bonkers lately. It’s not like parenting is worth the deduction? Really people, nobody is seriously going to take on a bunch of tough kids just for a tax deduction.

So, I called them first. It has been 40 minutes. I am still on the phone with her, though right now I am on hold for the 4th time. Our 2005 taxes have been a nightmare and next year I’m not doing them myself. I’m hiring H & R Block or that place over by the mall that always has a woman dressed up as Mrs. Liberty or whoever dancing around on the streets every tax season for 2006.

Anyway, my hour will soon be up and I will have not even completed my first unpleasant call before I have time to do the second one and I’ve gotten nothing else done except this entry.

But i have remained calm. I have not started to scream nor say, “YES! The 14 year old who called me fatty last night IS REALLY MINE!” But if she keeps me on the phone for a full hour, I just might have to disclose that piece of information.

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