Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Mid-Day Report

Thanks to everyone for their encouragement and their offers to pray and support me. I feel almost guilty even asking for help when so many others have it so much worse.

I just read Cindy’s blog entry from this afternoon, for example. So many issues, and yet she’s determined, positive, and going to “get ‘er done.” I learn so much from her and others.

My energy of the morning got me through until I rested a while and now am able to prepare for the afternoon. I tried fighting a couple battles and won one, but still have many more to go. I am ready to head into a staffing trying to match a sibling group of 6 kids and am really hoping to do so.

After that is the after school scene followed by several hours of church related activities. Hopefully we won’t have anything like last week’s toenail incident.

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