Thursday, November 09, 2006

Oh the Drama

I have heard that 8th grade girls argue with their mothers a lot. I hope it’s fairly normal. But sometimes I think Salinda takes it to a whole new level.

There is so much drama around here I barely have time to live it, much less blog about it.

Mike showed up here at supper time in a car full of kids. I went out to see if one of them was the missing 13 year old. Yup, it was. I provided a very convincing case to the driver of how he didn’t want to be part of the whole thing and how he needed to let me take the kid home.

So the kid got out of the car and took off down the road. To their credit, Mike and the driver went back and picked them up. Brought the missing kid and his buddy back up here with instructions for the kid to let me take him home. They drove off and I told the kid and his buddy to get in the vehicle. In the time it took me to open the garage door he was out of here. I tried to follow him, but he had a pretty good headstart and it’s dark.

Salinda in the mean time has been lecturing me consistently to stay out of it. I have informed her that as long as I am going to get calls in the night to wake me up to find out about him, I am not staying out of it. I told her that if she wanted me to stay out of her friend’s lives that she needed to tell her 17 year old brother to leave her 13 year old friends alone and to hang out with kids his own age whose parents weren’t sick with worry. Then maybe I wouldn’t get phone calls from deputies at 1:30 a.m.

And, in the midst of her screaming at me, she is planning on me taking her and her friends shopping tonight AND loaning her friend some money because the poor kid has a concert tomorrow and her parents can’t afford to buy her what she needs for choir. I’m tempted to take her friend and leave her here. At least her friend says thank you.

And I was hoping to get work done tonight. Way too much drama for anything to be accomplished.

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