Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Yesterdays Post a Day Late: Hit by an Emotional Mack Truck

Sometimes I feel like I’ve just been emotionally smacked with a truck. And it isn’t even that bad of a day. I’m not sure why I am feeling that way, but here’s the events.

I went to court to help one of my families finalize. They didn’t have all the paperwork in (my fault, not there’s) so the judge grilled me. Right before court court I found out that Salinda had walked right past Rand who was waiting to give her a ride home and gotten into a vehicle with some friend of Mike’s unkown to me. They then proceeded to come into the house when I was not here. Salinda did not do her chore, broke a couple other trivial rules, and then, when I questioned her, did not tell me the truth (this is a girl who is supposed to be earning back trust). Mike then disappeared and I haven’t seen him since he left for school. This, is, of course, his night for dishes, so I just finished having Jimmy help me do him (as a result of the fact that while Rand was trying to keep Tony busy this afternoon while I was at court, Jimmy was being horrible). Ricardo has a friend over and was torturing Dominyk. I have to pick up Salinda who had gymnastics tonight, giving us a couple hours of oxygen. Her attitude is awful tonight.

So, it’s 7:30 and I’m ready for bed, which I’m not going to get to go to for some time. And I really hate trying to go to sleep when Mike is missing, so I’m hoping he’ll at least show up so I can rest. I was actually almost convinced yesterday that he was ready to buckle down and at least put forth an effort to do what was expected of him. He managed to do so from noon until he went to bed yesterday, which was encouraging. He helped put up the tree, watched movies with his siblings, went to bed fairly early... i was excited.

But then there’s today. I’m sure that once the day is over and I have been able to sleep once again that I will be ready to take on another day. At least tomorrow I don’t have to go to other meetings outside the house... distracting me from other things.

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