Thursday, December 07, 2006

5 Trouble Free Hours or Who is Suspended?

I made it through 5 hours without getting upset today. It was a pretty good morning. But then at 1 the phone rang and i had to go pick up Tony for getting suspended for fighting.

He has a bad habit at home and at school of taunting people bigger than him until they get so angry they pound on him. At home we protect him, but at school he does the same thing and when the teacher left the room, the kid’s fuse was gone and just let him have it.

However, I feel like the one being suspended. He of course is not accepting responsibility, blaming the school, the other kid, and even us for the whole thing. (BTDT) And so he misses school and my work is suspended, my peace of mind is being suspended, my quiet home is being suspended.

I know, I’m being whiny. He did come down to apologize but within a few minutes, after the hug and all that, he told me to shut up.

So, you tell me? Who or what is being suspended? Bart is home for a couple hours too and he is telling him to shut up as well....


  1. Can't he get in-school suspension? You'd think that would be harder on him then getting to stay home. I try to remember when I have to ground my kids not to be grounding me at the same time!

  2. We've gone to copywork for various offenses. X pages filled with words copied out of the dictionary, encyclopedia, whatever. Better than giving them schoolwork - I don't have to check it (just count pages). Maybe they won't accomplish much, but maybe they'll stay seated for a while not doing it. 'Course, if that just stirs up a worse fight, it's not worth it. Works moderately well around here, though. (I hate consequences for offending kids that end up punishing the parents as much as, or more than, the kids.)
