Monday, December 18, 2006

An Amazing Amount of Temptation Out There

Blogging is amazing but it can also suck a person into a myriad of tempting opportunities to use time in ways that might or might not be profitable or lead to anything worthwhile.

For example, just this morning I was able to learn that I am the Time Person of the Year (and so are you), that Heather Amstrong was in New York the same time we were, and that there is a great Group Writing Project that I would love to participate in. However, none of these things relate to anything I am doing in my world.

Today I am only going to be home for a little while. I need to do some Christmas shopping (as I am still far from being done, in fact, I’ve barely started) and then I have an adoption finalization for one of my families to attend that is 2 1/2 hours from here. I’ll be back home in time for supper and then, if Bart is OK with the plan, I may go to where our presents are hidden and wrap for a while tonight.

Fortunately, even though I was out of town last week, I did work, so I am not horribly behind. I am basically caught up on email, which is a good thing.

And now, it’s time to wake up the children. IN some of their cases I have a strong urge to “let sleeping dogs lie.”

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