Saturday, December 16, 2006

Broadway and Rockefeller Center

Bart and I are sitting in the Newark, NJ airport waiting for our flight to depart. Pat had to teach 2 classes today, so he needed to get us here a bit earlier than we had to be here. Our flight leaves in about 2 hours.

Yesterday afternoon we left Pat's house at about 3:00 p.m. to pick up his fiancé, Madeline, and drive into Manhattan. From a distance we were able to see landmarks such as the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty.

We stopped at a monstery to see the guy who did our first adoption training ten years ago. He gave us a tour and it was fun to see him again.

Then we drove to Broadway and parked the car and went to get "twofer" tickets. We decided on Les Miserables and bought our tickets. We then took a walk down to Rockefeller Center, an amazingly beautfiul and extremely crowded place last night because the weather was beautiful and lots of people were out.

Following our jaunt there, we headed out to Spanky's for a loud evening of delicious barbeque and fun conversation (though we had to yell sometimes...) It was then time to head to the show via Times Square.

Other than the fact that the seats in the theatre were made for people who are 4'10" tall and weigh 90 pounds, the musical was incredible. if you haven't heard the story, it's an incredible tribute to the power of grace and forgiveness.

The drive home took an extra hour as Pat, "Mr. Focussed on the Mission 24/7" had to stop and pick up a CD of Heart Gallery pictures. We fell into bed exhausted around 1 a.m.

We were up and ready to leave the house by 8 this morning. It was a very fun night and we are very grateful to Pat and Madeline for their generosity, kindness and for taking their time to show us the city.

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