Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Day Is (Almost) Done

Got calendars done. Got Christmas pictures done. Cleaned and helped Bart cook. Had company for dinner. Now I’m waiting until it is bedtime. Tired.

Found out that John is leaving first thing in the morning to return to McCrossan Boys Ranch. We like the program and the staff and he did well in the past, but are sad that we will not be able to have more contact with him. So far the county isn’t recommending any.

The social worker said, “I was wrong.” I said, “I told you so.” He said, “I knew you’d say that. I had it coming.”

He admitted he should have listened to us, but wanted to give John a chance. Said he had never met a kid that NOBODY could make progress with him. I pointed out to him that we were pretty skilled parents and hadn’t been able to get him to do the right thing. He is finally concluding that possibly we were right.

I wrote John a letter and sent some pictures and our Christmas letter to him via the social worker. We’ll see what kind of contact they are going to allow. It will be sad not to have him around for Christmas.

Another sad trip around the same merry go round.

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