Friday, December 22, 2006

"Ew, Cranky!"

For some reason I have been quite irritable tonight. I know I have been, so it’s not like I’m blaming others for irritating me. Sometimes I just get irritable I guess. When the kids think I’m crabby they say, “Ew, cranky!!!” As you can imagine, that just snaps me right out of my mood and makes me feel instantly less crabby. NOT.

I think the bottom line is that I get frustrated with the kids in our family who have a sense of entitlement and sit back and wait for others to serve them when they never chip in to help. I try not to let it get to me, but for some reason around Christmastime it always annoys me that the ones who expect to have the most are ALWAYS those who give the least.

I could rant about this for say, a couple thousand pages, but I think I’ll stop as I’m sure you’re bright enough to get the idea.

Tonight I’m waiting to take Salinda’s boyfriend (who was her boyfriend until Sunday night and then was just her friend until tonight and is now her boyfriend again) home. I told him he could stay until about 10:30 and then I was going to take him home. I hate it when I have to make myself stay up late enough to give these 13 and 14 year olds a ride home.

all i want to do is to go



Am I whiny or what?

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