Monday, December 04, 2006

Full Moon

It was a great day yesterday. Everyone was mellow and calm. There were no meltdowns, not much name calling, very little sibling rivalry. Everyone seemed to have a really nice day.

But last night was just a weird night -- one that proved that there is something to the “full moon” deal. If you don’t believe there is, you should have been here last night. First, Dominyk went to bed very early -- disappeared around 7:45 (as he has been doing lately) to go to bed. That wasn’t weird. But then Tony would not/could not go to sleep and so at 10:45 I found he and Dominyk both up and awake at 11. Salinda decided to try to move the table from the porch to the basement by herself in the middle of the night and got it as far as the foyer where it is now stuck. The TV was on downstairs in the living room at 10:45 with all the nights on but nobody there and again this morning Tony was in front of of the TV in the family room when I got up at 6:15.

But the worst was our dumb restless dog that instead of sleeping calmly at my feet like he does almost every night was growling and pacing the floor wanting out every hour. It’s Bart’s job to do that and he was not a happy camper. Now THOSE are times when it is OK to regret life’s choices.

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