Saturday, December 02, 2006

Getting Anxious?

This morning I started to blog when Salinda came in at 7:57 that her friend needed to be at the Univeristy by 8 and that I was taking her there.

So I jumped up, unfinished blog sitting at my desk, and took of to take her, leaving there for the conference and not coming back home until a couple of minutes ago. I'm sure some of you are very anxious since I haven't written since after lunch yesterday.

To catch you up on the goings on: Last night the ever so wonderful Mike, spouse of the incredible Kari, came over with his kids to watch our kids while Bart and I hosted a staff Christmas party for church staff. It was a great time with lots of good food.

Then we came home and Bart made a fire and all the kids except Salinda (who had friends over) and Mike (who had disappeared), and Dominyk, (who had gone to bed on his own as soon as the the other family had left) hung out with us in the living room until 11:00 when I took the boys that were here with Salinda home.

Mike apparently showed up at 8 this morning and went to bed.

This morning I spoke to a group of people. I didn't feel like it was connecting with many of them, but I gave them my blog address. So, if you're reading this as a new reader, welcome. I can't guarantee anything with this blog as I never really know what I'm going to write.

Bart and I will have lunch at the conference, then he is speaking and I'll do the wrap up.

We have PCAs coming and we're taking Salinda to the mall while we have lunch... if you'll recall from previous posts, she wasn't supposed to have anyone here durinng the day today, but THAT didn't happen.

So, things are good... it's always fun to talk with others who are on this journey and the professionals who help them....

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