Saturday, December 09, 2006

A Mellow Start

At 8:30 this morning the kids were all still asleep. Our three early riser all spent the night at friends’ houses last night, so the rest of us slept without interruption for the first time in a LONG time, maybe ever. It was nice and quite a contrast to Cindy's house which was buzzing by 5 a.m.

Our day today is not as complex and wild as yesterday. We’re going to see a family movie and shop for and celebrate Ricardo’s birthday. At some point I have to pick up the 3 kids who were at others for the night last night and return home the 3 that were here.

Last night I found myself “counseling” several middle and high schoolers that were hanging out here. Everything is so intense at that age and I try to give them perspective, but being 13 is oh so exhausting.

I also have to attempt to get everything ready for our trip, planning out everyones schedule to the most minute detail, letting teachers know that we’ll be gone, giving the PCA and others who will be caring for our kids contact information, etc. I want to get my desk cleaned off and my laptop loaded with all the work I need to do on planes and in airports and during deadtime in NYC.

For now though, I’m going to go have a bagel with my husband in this somewhat calm house (a couple are up now) and clean up the kitchen before I return to my office to organize myself for the trip.

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