Tuesday, December 05, 2006

This is Why

As good as Sunday was, Monday was bad. I’m not really talking about the children’s behaviors, because they are pretty consistent. They were not horrible yesterday, although Dominyk was quite hyper.

I’m talking about our moods and our outlook on life, which over the weekend had been pretty positive. We got to speak at the conference on Saturday, which is always a positive experience, and then, as you know, Sunday went very well and we felt good at the end of the day.

Yesterday a couple of unbloggable things happened and by the end of the day we were just plain discouraged. It’s no fun to feel the way we felt yesterday and we went to bed sad.

I have recently made a new friend who is not an adoptive parent but goes to our church. Her life is simple and good and not extremely complicated. Last night we had a conversation that typifies a lot of our conversations -- frivolous, fun, hilarious. But in the midst of it some stuff happened here and all the sudden my reality smacked me in the head and I told her I would call her back. When I did, I could not get back the fun mood no matter how hard I tried and she had to hear about what things were really like here.

And this is when I realized why we don’t have a lot of friends. Now, this is a great person and she is going to hang in there with me. But all the sudden, being my friend, her life isn’t going to be quite as simple any more and I often feel guilty for dragging anyone into our lives.

Because when the things that happen to us can be seen as humorous it’s a kick in the pants to us and anyone we describe it to. But there are those moments when things just aren’t funny and then it seems so unfair to burden others with them. Especially if their lives aren’t like mine.

But today is a new day and it could hold more of the same or things could turn around and it could be much better. So with that hope we forge ahead, up another hill in the roller coaster of our lives.

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