Wednesday, December 20, 2006


I was swamped trying to catch up yesterday and didn’t make as much progress as I had hoped. My morning after diligently working, only brought my inbox from over 300 to about 288 because so many more were coming in. I had lunch with Bart and then came home to more office stuff. Spoke to a Senior Citizens club about adoption (great group of old men, average age 75-80) but it was a good time.

When I returned I had to focus on getting the packages mailed that are for relatives. I still had 3 pages of the calendar to do and to print. And I still needed to finish up the Christmas letter which obviously will be mailed late.

That, along with dinner, took all of my evening (except for a quick surprise visit from Kari and her family which was a fun break). Salinda spent the night at a friend’s after a gymnastics meet last night and Mike was working, so they weren’t home. I went to bed at 10:15 VERY tired.

This morning Tony and Dominyk have therapy appointments, so they are not up yet, making the morning a fairly easy one. I have way too much to do to cram into one day today, but I’m going to give it my best shot and take one thing at a time.

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