Monday, January 15, 2007

And it Just Keeps Getting Better and Better

II went to the dentist with Tony because he chips his tooth we find out that it is a baby tooth and that unlike most people, he has no permanent tooth coming back in, so the dentist tried to save the tooth. It may be saved, it may not. While waiting for this news, I got a call from Bart. Mike has been fired, making his house arrest all the sudden become an extra 40 hours a week, his entire senior project completely screwed because it required him to snowboard another 100 hours, AND means that his paycheck will not be coming in to pay back the money he owes us.

His story is that people he doesn’t know lied and said he stole some snowboarding goggles and sold them. Who knows what really happened. But the bottom line is that he is angry, his future schooling and work possibilities are all messed up, and he’s stuck here ALL the time. He’s already spraypainted in his room since he’s been home, something he’s not supposed to do and the whole house reeks, but it’s freezing cold so we can’t open any windows.

And, to top it all off, it sounds like Salinda’s best friend may be moving and even if that doesn’t happen, she is probably grounded, leaving Salinda without anything to do.

Bart has a meeting tonight and I get to sit at home and parent amidst this mess. I really wish I there was a pause button on our lives so that I could push it and get a break and then take it all in small doses over the next few weeks.
Because living it straight through is going to be VERY difficult.

1 comment:

  1. I could go for a fast forward now and then. Praying for your family Claudia.
