Friday, January 19, 2007

But, even though it isn't about me I'm still MAD

Take this morning for instance. Little evidences everywhere that he’s been pilfering other people’s stuff. A 20 minute shower when he knows that lately we’ve been running out of hot water. I have asked him three times to get out of the shower. I started out fairly nice. I got less nice. It hasn’t mattered. He won’t get out.

So, even though I know that I am supposed to be patient, even though I know that as a good parent I would recognize his disability and be kind, even though I know that as a good parent, I would not get as riled up as I am at this moment.

But sometimes I AM NOT A GOOD PARENT!!!! sometimes i get mad.


  1. Anonymous9:35 AM

    You can buy "timers" for water heaters or even just shut it off after a specified amount of time. A blast of cold water will definitely move a procrastinator out of the shower!

  2. Anonymous9:37 AM

    On the shower issue, there is an easy solution. When you figure he's been in there long enough, simply go over to the water heater and turn off the water valve.

    The shower will suddenly go ice cold, and he'll be out of there, guaranteed.
