Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The Day After a Disjointed Day

Things are a little bit of a wreck around here. My disjointed day took me off schedule and I didn't touch any laundry. And, the risk of leaving the kids home alone is that they go crazy with food. I'm glad this is the worst that happened, it could have been disastrous, but the little boys (who are far from little any more) ate so much food yesterday and ate it everywhere. So the house is messy, the laundry is piled up, and my inbox is overflowing once again.

Today we have court for MIke at 11:30 a.m. In talking with his Probation Officer's Supervisor yesterday, it appears that Chemical Dependency Treatment is where he will go, which is what he wants. What isn't going to make him happy is that he will probably have to sit in detention until they complete an assessment. And who knows what the assessment will determine.

Last night we were "served" our summons last night for John's hearing on Monday. They are requesting the judge to order him into permanent foster care. Since this county is known for doing that often, I think that will probably happen. (Since so many local people read my blog, I'm not going to give my opinion about this as a practice here.

I also have a trip to make to meet a potential adoptive family, so it's going to be quite a long day.

We've been through having a child move out of our home and into a residential before, several times, and I know how it will all happen around here. There will be a few days where we are getting used to it, and then, in about a week, we will start to notice the "little things" that everyone has been doing under the radar and start to deal with them. And after a while things will be back into shape around here.

Until there's another transition.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Dustin has the same issue with food. What is that all about? I have always thought that because he has lttle to no pain receptors he cannot tell when he is full. On his side of it, he is SUPER skinny and tells people that we don't feed him and it looks as though we don't. How do you deal with the food issue? Lots of poatrolling? Any other solutions? He hoards also, do yours?
