Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Downhill Slide, Court, and Other Stuff

Ever since MIke found out there is court tomorrow he has been on a downhill slide. I have been trying to gather ammunition for the Probation Officer to do what is best for Mike, but he’s not giving me much. He hasn’t shown up to work for a week, he is doing nothing in school, we’ve seen him for less than 30 minutes in the past week, he has only spent 4 of the last 7 nights in his bed. Rand just reported that he found beer bottles in Mike’s bed. That is something that we had not known he was doing to this point, but apparently now he’s added the “self-medication” secondary characeristic of FASD.

He will go to court tomorrow. The last thing he wants is to get locked up. He’s scared that is what is going to happen. Up until a week ago I would have had a very good case to fight for him and say, “He’s doing the best he can -- give him a second chance.” It’s like he’s working hard to make sure that he doesn’t get one. Maybe subconsciously he wants to be put back into a place where they tell him what to do all the time and he doesn’t have to think. Maybe living outside of that structure is just too much for him. Maybe life in a detention center or prison is comforting for someone who has such a hard time with impulsivity and life organization.

Rumor has it that Salinda got into a verbal fight at school today with lots of cussing. Of course, Jimmy is the reporter, so who knows the truth on that one.

I’ve got a deadline of tomorrow on a couple of projects. I’m not even close to getting them done. Tony has therapy in the morning, and then we have court with Mike at 1. I won’t get much done.

Guess I“ll be working tonight.

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