Sunday, January 21, 2007

Dreams and Reality

Having shared my chimichanga dream, there is nothing quite as exciting, though last night I did spend some time with the doctors at Seattle Grace Hospital (you know, the ones in Grey’s Anatomy). They were charming, most of the guys were in love with me (who wouldn’t) and I had to stop their advances because I was married (even though on the show that doesn’t bother anyone). Bart and I served them chips and salsa for breakfast because the first guy I was ever in love with was showing up for the day.

And then I woke up. And Bart was ironing his clothes, the snow was falling, I was not in Seattle, nobody was trying to kiss me, and, thank goodness, the first guy I fell in love with was NOT coming over for breakfast.

I’m wondering if because there is less sress I am getting more REM sleep. It would be nice if that were so. We are supposed to leave for church in 15 minutes. It’s looking like we might make it.

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