Thursday, January 11, 2007

The First Night of Probation

First, I need to share this little FASD moment. Yesterday, I went to lunch with Bart and I could only eat about half of my meal so I decided to save it for after court. I brought it in in a box and set it on the counter. Bart went and picked up Mike (who had just finished his lunch hour at school) and brought him home to change. I came upstairs to get in the car to go to court and there was Mike, munching on my sandwich.

How can a brain just not think to consider if food belonged to someone else? It was still warm! DId he really truly not consider anything about it’s origin, it’s owner, it’s purpose? Or does he just not care?

A second piece of this is the UA (which we don’t have results yet). Mike went to the bathroom and was gone a very long time at around 2:00. We went into court and we were out by 2:30. The P.O. didn’t have time to do the UA and set it up for today. Mike by 3 had to go to the bathroom so bad he couldn’t take it. Bart said he saw him drink gallons of water, probably trying to wash the drugs through his system. (This is after he told the P.O. it would come out clean)

Anyway, we went to court and came home with Mike on probation until they do a social history. He needs to abide by family rules, which I told her to define. I explained that she needed to be specific. She said we needed to know where he was at all times and that he needed to be in on time.

I am going to call her today and let her know that Mike doesn’t even know where he is at all times, so how can he let us know???

Anyway, I digress. So, yesterday afternoon after court he says that he has a ride to work with a friend. He waits around a while and the friend comes to get him. His curfew is 9:30, so I made sure nobody was on the phone after nine so we could take his call and go pick him up from work.

At 9:50 he shows up, having never called us. “We needed to drop someone else off before we got here.” I reminded Mike that we had been available to come pick him up and that we would have gotten him home on time. He apologized.

So, as a little lesson in reality, I’m going to explain this to the Probation Officer. In this circumstance, did Mike violate curfew? I’ll be interested in her response.

So, on his first night of probation he technically violated it. Simply amazing.

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