Friday, January 19, 2007

Not Surprised but Quite Sad

Tonight I could tell something was weird. Mike was acting very strangely tonight. He asked for the clippers and apparently shaved his head, though he had it covered and wouldn’t let me see it.

He told me I needed to call his Probation Officer and explain to her that he needed chemical dependency treatment. I asked him why he hadn’t done so yesterday when he was telling her that he hadn’t been using any drugs at all. He explained that being on probation was really hard and that I didn’t know what it was like.

We had friends over for supper and so I didn’t have time to talk to him much. I did head down and see him putting stuff into a full backpack but he told me that he was just gathering his snowboarding stuff together. I knew something was weird.

About 7:45 Rand went downstairs and found a note. “claudia”, it said (yes, after 9 years, all the sudden I’m Claudia), “yup, if you got this I’m gone. This time when I’m locked up don’t give up on me. Maybe I”ll get some C.D. treatment. Love MIke. I’ll only going to be gone a few days.

I called the monitoring service to see if he was shown as missing. They said he was but they had to wait 30 minutes before calling the probation officer. She called a little later (apparently not quite gone on vacation yet) and if/when he returns they will have to lock him up.

I’m not surprised, but as much as I was angry this morning, I’m sad tonight. He seemed so sad. I feel pitty, I feel grief for what could have been -- for the person he would have been without organic brain damage. For the person he could be if he trusted us. For the way life might be if things were different.

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