Thursday, January 25, 2007

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

I invited a friend of mine and her daughter over tonight to kill some time with me. Bart is out of town and I thought it would be fun to kick back and sit by the fire and enjoy some time talking. Sadie, Tony, and Dominyk were going to be the only ones home.

We sat by the fire and it was a miserable 90 minutes. Dominyk could NOT keep his hands out of the fire. He found more ways to mess with it than a person should ever be able to come up with. I had to focus all my energy on keeping him from burning himself and could not focus on the conversation.

When he left the fire obsession, he started in on the dog, which is a constant temptation for him. The dog can certainly fend for himself, but Dominyk gets nipped at a lot and sometimes he gets bit, but he doesn't seem to be able to leave him alone.

So, by the time I spent an hour trying to keep him from getting burned or bit, I told my friend that she could leave any time, that I couldn't imagine it would be enjoyable.

It's pretty obvious why I don't try to have many friends.

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